Here are a few of this week's connections and reflections regarding alumni of Johnson University. In an attempt to increase communication with all alumni, I have started sending out greetings on the day an alumnus celebrates a birthday. Some have replied to express gratitude and expand our dialogue. Billy (JUTN '09) and Holly (Crawford '09) Knieriem both celebrated birthdays this week and they said, "We are grateful for the impact Johnson has had on our lives and our ministry!" They serve with Morrison Hill Christian Church in Kingston, Tennessee. Trish (Wells, JUTN '04) Hansard said, "I am truly blessed with 69 years. I am very thankful for God's mercy and grace!" David Enyart (JUTN '68, former faculty) said, "We have a great love for the college and wish the very best for those serve and study in that place. Our grandson, Andrew, is a freshman at JU this fall. He is the youngest child of our daughter Crystal, and he...